Tuesday, January 10, 2006



Well, day number two of my life as a blogger --- so far, so good. It's mid-day and my day has been busy thus far, but my thoughts and my heart are very tender at this moment. So, I thought I'd stop doing work for a minute or two and write down what is going on inside of me...

Isn't it great the influence that people have on our lives? The way a memory can make you smile or the sound of a voice bring a tear to your eye? I love that about the people in my life. I love the way relationships make our hearts tender; especially in a world full of busy-ness and chaos. I know, your asking - "where is all this coming from"? Let me tell you:

My dear friend has the sweetest mother I know and today is her birthday (the mother, not the friend). I just called her to wish her a birthday greeting, with the hopes of brightening her day, but the strangest thing happened - she brightened mine! People like that make my heart tender and I am so grateful for that! She is one of those people that makes you think "I want to be like that when I grow up!" :) Lord willing, I will be like my sweet Mamma Lows. I hope any and all who read this have sweet persons placed in your life; people that bring smiles with memories and joyful tears with the sound of their voice.

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