Monday, January 16, 2006


You know that game we used to play as children? The one called "TELEPHONE"? I hate that game. You know the drill - one person starts by saying something and then it goes down the line until the last person hears it and when they blurt it out it is something completely different than originally said. Yeah, that's the one. As an adult, I like to call it "RUMOR STARTING". I've experienced some TELEPHONE/RUMOR STARTING lately and it is very frustrating. Fortunately, I found out because a good friend had the sense to communicate with me and we later learned the the "telephone connection" broke down and... well, what could have potientially been a disruption in our "service" (friendship) was mended. Props to those who aren't afraid to communicate!

Alots been going on in my life this year (all 16 days of it!) More than I will be able to share in the coming days... so stay tuned! :)

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