Sunday, June 17, 2007

Daddy's Girl

I am a very fortunate person. My dad has been in my life since day one. And now over 33 years later he's still in my life ...and I'm blessed. I have fond memories of me and my dad, some of the earliest memories are of me following him around asking "What are you doing now?" Whether he was mowing the grass, fixing the car or going fishing I wanted to be right there. I also remember trips to Grandad Joe's pool hall and dad teaching me how to hold the pool stick. I'm still not great, but I'm decent and I owe it to him. As I grew older, much of my time with dad was spent out on the basketball court, playing a game of HORSE and afterwards sitting in the lawn chairs sharing a conversation. Dad worked a lot but he often, made it to my sporting events; his holler of "Come on, Trace!" would echo through the gym, announcing his arrival and reminding the officials that #32's dad was watching them. Now that I'm older, my sporting events are a thing of the past, but one thing I know; my dad is still one of my biggest fans. And that is as it should be.

These days my time with dad is often spent on the telephone, catching up on the status of his latest projects. Dad's a hard worker; retired now for over a year he's just as busy as ever. But, I'm thankful that despite his busyness he makes time for a phone call to me and spending time with Tyler, his one and only grandson. It's these two simple things that make him a great dad to me and a wonderful grandfather to Tyler.

Again, I'm blessed. I'm blessed that I have a dad that makes me proud to call myself, "Daddy's girl".

1 comment:

W Family said...

Just wanted you to know I enjoy reading your blog...hope you're doing well!