Monday, February 05, 2007

A woman of my word....

As promised, I did it! I bought a computer, I learned how to use it and here it is- entry #1.

I'd like to dedicate this first entry to my little Ty-guy. This picture was taken of he and I during his visit to Nashville this past fall. Many say we resemble... got admit, I see it in this one.

As many of you know Tyler had his share of heartache this Christmas as he learned of the death of his father. Tyler is doing well and was an amazingly strong "little dude" (as his dad would call him). He continues to ask questions and share stories; all part of the healing process for someone his age. He's been spending a great amount of time with mam-maw and pap-aw; most recently winning first place in the local pine-wood derby. He's staying busy, doing well in school and growing like a weed. Right on track for a guy his age.
Please keep him in your prayers as he continues to heal and find a new "normal". He's done fantastic thus far and I can only attribute it to the good Lord above and his family's love.


Mandy said...

I am so glad to see you back on line . You look fantastic in that picture too. I hope to see more from you. Maybe you could write about rollerblades.

Karla said...

Yippee! You're back. It was so good to see you last times in N'ville! Let's do it again soon.
How was the Super Bowl Party?

W Family said...

Yippee! So glad you're back in the world of bloggers, T!

Hope you're well!