Monday, May 29, 2006

This blog thing...

Hey, it's me again. I was just reading my friends' blog enteries... impressive. I, however, have been a complete slacker and to be honest am contemplating calling off my relationship with the blog. I knew there were going to be issues from the start, but I gave into peer pressure and joined the bloggers of the world.
Here's the deal... I LOVE to write. In fact, at times, I think it is what I do best... but there is a catch. I also consider it completely private and seldom share anything I write with anyone. So herein lies the problem... this blogging thing calls me to not only write but to share what I write and I don't like doing that. Therefore I spend half the time writing and the other half making sure I don't "get too honest". Some say the "eyes are the doorway to one's soul"... mine is writing and I don't want anyone that close to my soul without me escorting them there. So with that said, this is likely to be my last blog. Perhaps an occassional update as you've read thus far, but don't expect much more than that. ok?


Mandy said...

I am stunned .sad and knowing you I completly understand...suppose if I take your shoe laces and tie you to the computer......Would that help?

Karla said...

We're so different, my friend. I hope one day you and the blog can find one another again.
I miss you.