Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Home Sweet Home .... is mine again

Yep, you guessed it ---they've moved and I'm loving it.

Back in May I had offered up my home to a lady with whom I played softball. Months went by, her daughters and husband came and mid July her son started living here as well. Mid August rolled around and we had "the talk". You know the one - the "I'm glad you like it here, and I was able to help you out, but y'all gotta go" talk. Well this past weekend they listened. They bought a home and moved out on Friday and it was a great weekend. A weekend of me, my cats and a whole lot of football. (Go BEARS, TITANS, and DENVER!)

Don't get me wrong, I don't regret the offer. The family was great. And honestly for a family of five, including a 6,9, and 15 year old I think things went very smoothly. I just started noticing that I was out numbered and found myself retreating to my room to get the solitude I needed after a long work day. And that led to the aforementioned "talk". Anyways, they found a home of their own and this weekend I spent simply enjoying my own.

I 've contemplated going into a "preachy" chat about being grateful for a place to lie your head at night. I've contemplated reminding you how important it is to be grateful that your life, your circumstances, your lot in life leads you to a house, apartment or whatever you call home at the end of the day. I'm tempted to remind you that there are hundreds of people in downtown Nashville, thousands throughout our nation and millions throughout our world that have no place to lie their head, rest their feet and call home. I'm fighting the urge to tell you that neither you nor I are any better than those less fortunate, that we are called to help, and that it whatever "it" is for you (home, job, money, wealth, car, family) can be taken from us in an instant. And if I were to tell you all of these, I'd also encourage you once you are done reading this blog to give a moment of praise and appreciation to He who provided it for you. (Of course, that is all if I were going to be preachy, but I won't.)

1 comment:

Karla said...

I love it when you're not preachy. :) When are you coming to see me??