Sunday, March 11, 2007

A Walk In the Woods

So... I was walking through the woods the other evening, enjoying a cool, brisk walk and out of no where I spot this ---

small turtle. BUT, I didn't have my camera to catch a picture of it so I thought I'd add this beautiful photo taken during a recent trip to the St. Louis Zoo. (I know, I know the zoo? St Louis? When were you in St. Louis?"; these are your thoughts, aren't they Mandy?)

I gotta tell 'ya; I've been to a lot of zoos but I've never seen the Tigers and Bears so active. I was impressed and that is hard to do sometimes. Anyway, hope you like the photo.

Saturday, March 10, 2007


'ya gotta love it!
  • sunsets after 8pm
  • walks under the stars
  • the smell of freshly mowed grass
  • colorful flowers
  • breeze through open windows
  • sounds of birds chirpping
  • springtime sports; softball
  • cookouts with friends
  • the scent of the air after a spring shower
  • warm air
  • green grass and blue skies

Springtime was here today. Instantly reminding me of the first few visits I had to Tennessee and what it was that led me here in the first place.

Happy Spring!